About the owner

Hello, I'm Bones. I have no idea who I am, therefore, I have no idea how to describe myself. My sense of self is practically nonexistent, but that doesn't stop me from being self-obsessed enough to create an entire website about myself, so I will try my best to give you an accurate description.

I am 16 years old and my pronouns are he/they/it. I do not care for labels, they hold no value to me, but you could consider me a nonbinary biromantic asexual person.

I was born on January 31st, 2008 in Brazil's countryside and I live in a small town in the state of Minas Gerais. I do not know much about astrology but in case you are interested I am an Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon and Leo rising.

Moi dix Mois Black Decagram